Note that "desire" here is in a narrow and neutral sense, like more delicious food, more money, not the scope that more killing or salves. Nowadays, people often complains that "Life sucks, I'd rather like to be a primitive". Just like Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi mentioned in his book Flow , When Cyrus the Great had ten thousand cooks prepare new dishes for his table, the rest of Persia had barely enough to eat. These days every household in the “first world” has access to the recipes of the most diverse lands and can duplicate the feasts of past emperors. But does this make us more satisfied? It seems that satisfying ours desire hasn't made us happy, so what't your argument onto this one? Should we satisfy our desire? My argument as follows to this is positive. To answer this question better, let us presume that the only goal of our life is to get more happiness . But what is happiness? It's hard for me to define to meke all of us accepts it and that...